Summer Courses in Ethnic Studies

March 1, 2023

Summer Courses in Ethnic Studies

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Are you looking for courses for Summer 2023? Ethnic Studies has plenty of options in all three of our programs. 


American Indian Studies


2202 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

#14519, ONLINE, Instructor TBD

#14520, ONLINE, Instructor TBD


Arts Administration, Education and Policy

5367 | Reel Injuns, #19613, ONLINE, Christine Morris



2367.01 | Language, Identity and Culture in the U.S. Experience*

#18899, ONLINE, Addison Koneval

#19116, ONLINE, Caleb Gonzalez

#22397, ONLINE, Irma Zamora

#18565, ONLINE, Ming Yan Ma

*Appropriateness of course content for inclusion in the minor program should be first confirmed by the AIS director, Elissa Washuta


Asian American Studies

African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)

2367.04 | Black Women Writers, #19787, ONLINE, Kelly Jo Fulkerson

History of Art (HISTART)

4820 | The Arts of Japan, #22628, 9:50AM-11:25AM MWF, Instructor TBD


2120 | Asian Philosophies, #14876, McPherson 1046, 11:40AM-1:15PM MWF, Vaughn Papenhausen


3375 | Stereotyping and Prejudice, #19108, ONLINE, Timothy Bengal

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)

2367.04 | Black Women Writers, #19809, ONLINE, Tatsiana Shchurko


Latinx Studies


2367.02 | Literature in the U.S. Experience

#19115, ONLINE, Susan Kopp

#19778, location and instructor TBD



2202 | Spanish 4

#19740, ONLINE, 9:50AM-11:25AM MWF, Instructor TBD