Center for Ethnic Studies Awards and Grants

The Center for Ethnic Studies currently grants two kinds of awards: two rounds of Student Travel and Research Grants each academic year, with one round awarded in mid-autumn and the second round awarded in mid-spring; and Interdisciplinary Program Scholarships, which are designed to support students enrolled in any of the undergraduate or graduate CES interdisciplinary programs and are awarded each spring. Scroll down for more information on these two kinds of funding. 

The Center’s awards, grants and scholarships are disbursed through OSU Student Financial Aid. Students already receiving substantial aid from other sources should review their current-year packages and consult with Buckeye Link to confirm their ability to accept awards prior to applying.

A student may not receive financial aid and other resources in excess of the annual cost of attendance at the university in accordance with federal guidelines.  If you receive additional financial resources and/or assistance, it may impact your eligibility for other financial aid awards. If you have any questions about your individual situation, consult Buckeye Link at 614-292-0300 or by email at


CES Student Travel and Research Grants 

The CES awards several small grants every year in support of students’ research activities, conference participation and other academically-oriented travel needs. Travel plans are not necessary to apply for these grants. Funding requests for late spring term travel/research needs may also be considered if expenses will occur after the application deadline

Apply Now!

The form to apply for Summer-Fall 2025 grants is currently open. Grants will be awarded in April 2025. The deadline to apply for SU25-AU25 grants is Friday, March 21, at 11:59 pm ET. 


Eligibility Requirements

All undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled in coursework for the academic term may apply. Proposals should demonstrate a substantial connection to one or more of the fields represented within the Center’s academic programs: American Indian Studies, Asian American Studies, and/or Latinx Studies, with preference given to those enrolled in our minor and GIS programs, and/or to students working directly with our faculty affiliates. Your project should be aligned with the focus of the Center for Ethnic Studies. You can find more information on the mission of our Center on our "About" page and on each program's website. 

Previous award recipients are permitted to reapply for these grants, but first-time applicants will receive priority consideration, with all other factors being equal.

Complete applications will consist of the following:

  1. A completed online application form at Center for Ethnic Studies Student Travel and Research Grant Application Form | Center for Ethnic Studies (
  2. Other documents, uploaded and attached to the electronic application form, including:
    1. A project description of 1200-1500 words (with accompanying title) including brief statements on how the grant would aid its development, how much work has already been done on the project and, if applicable, financial need.
    2. Verification of IRB approval for the research project (if applicable)
    3. Résumé or CV

We are also no longer requiring a letter of support from the applicant’s adviser or from a faculty member with whom the applicant has worked closely on the conference paper or research project, but if you still choose to request one, please have faculty address the letter to Nick Spitulski (, Center for Ethnic Studies, 455 Hagerty Hall, 1775 College Road.

Awards are competitive (i.e., reviewed by a selection committee) and will be decided on the basis of merit and the project’s significance to the student's academic and/or professional development and the potential for the student's work to contribute to greater understanding of the field in which they are working.  The project should demonstrate a connection to the one or more of the fields represented within the programs of the Center for Ethnic Studies.

Following the project, recipients will be required to submit a 2-4 sentence summary of how they used their grant; a 500-word essay on the state of their research or any other use of the funding; and a photo file (jpeg, png, etc.)  of either the recipient or some aspect of their project. These materials will be used as news items on the CES website and on other CES platforms, including social media. 

Confirmation of international travel registration, as well as any approvals required for travel to risk designated locations, is required before funds can be released – please see the "Travel to Risk Designated Locations" section at the bottom of the page.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much money is available? 
Award amounts depend on how many applicants are ultimately funded, in addition to the total budget pool for the term. However, the average amount tends to be in the $500 - $1,000 range. You are encouraged to seek multiple funding options if possible. We will ask for your total budget, as well as the amount requested from this grant.

Is this grant eligible to combine with another grant?
Yes, we encourage all applicants to seek additional funding, especially if their project budget is greater than $500. 

When will the money be awarded? 
Applications will be reviewed within two weeks of the grant deadline, with requests for payment sent to Student Financial Aid shortly thereafter. Our hope is that SFA will have funds credited to student accounts before the end of the semester.

I'm travelling in ______ (winter, spring, summer, fall). Should I apply?
Generally, the Autumn grant cycle covers travel and research for December through the end of the academic year. The Spring grant cycle covers travel and projects to occur in May through Autumn semester. Funding requests for late spring term travel/research needs may also be considered if expenses will occur after the application deadline. 

What is IRB approval?
Not all projects will have components that would require approval from an IRB (institutional review board) or other kinds of approvals. If yours does not, that’s not a problem – just mention that in the application.

What if I don't have IRB approval yet? 
The process to obtain IRB approval should start before the deadline of this grant cycle. If you haven't received approval yet,  upload a copy of the request you submitted as part of your application package, to show that you’ve gotten to that point, and highlight that you've submitted the request in your application materials.

I'm working on two projects, or going on two trips. May I apply twice?
If the projects/travel in question aren’t very far apart in time, try combining them into a single application, being sure to distinctly highlight that funding will be needed for each. If one project is to take place late in the current semester, but another towards the end of the following semester, you should submit an application for the first project during the current cycle and then a separate one for the other in the next term. Previous award recipients are permitted to reapply for these grants, but first-time applicants will receive priority consideration, with all other factors being equal.

I'm not minoring in Ethnic Studies and this project is not related to the focus of the Center for Ethnic Studies. May I apply?
Proposals should demonstrate a substantial connection to one or more of the fields represented within the Center’s academic programs: American Indian Studies, Asian American Studies, and/or Latinx Studies, with preference given to those enrolled in our minor and GIS programs, and/or to students working directly with our faculty affiliates. Your project should be aligned with the focus of the Center for Ethnic Studies. You can find more information on the mission of our Center on our "About" page and on each program's website. 

CES Interdisciplinary Programs Scholarship 

The Center for Ethnic Studies invites eligible students to apply for the CES Interdisciplinary Programs Scholarship. The scholarship is designed to support students who are enrolled in any of the undergraduate or graduate CES interdisciplinary programs: American Indian Studies minor, Asian American Studies minor, Latina/o Studies minor, or Latina/o Studies Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization. Students must have officially declared their enrollment in one or more of these four programs in order to apply for the scholarship and should work with the relevant program advisors (click on the program names above for more information) to ensure they are officially enrolled.

Please also note that previous recipients are permitted to reapply for these scholarships, but that, all else equal, first-time applicants will receive priority consideration.

Applicants must submit a completed online application form, as well as a 500-word essay describing how the particular CES program in which the student is enrolled has helped them, and/or how they expect it to help them and/or is expected to help them personally, educationally and/or professionally.

The deadline for 2025 spring term scholarship applications is March 21, 2025. Find the application here

Travel to Risk Designated Locations

University supported travel to risk designated locations requires review and may entail restrictions or stipulations.


Undergraduate Students

  • Ohio State scholarship or grant funding for travel to risk designated countries is restricted to travel on approved education abroad programs listed in the Office of International Affairs (OIA) education abroad search engine or other university managed travel approved by the International Travel Policy Committee (ITPC).­
  • Ohio State scholarship or grant funding for individual travel to countries with a specific risk designated region(s) requires review of the proposed itinerary relevant to the excluded regions. Individual undergraduate travel to restricted region(s) is not eligible for funding.


Graduate and Professional Students

  • ­Ohio State scholarship and grant awards for individual travel to risk designated countries requires the submission of a petition and ITPC approval.  
  • ­ Ohio State scholarship or grant funding for individual travel to countries with a specific risk designated region(s) requires review of the proposed itinerary relevant to the excluded regions. Individual travel to restricted region(s) requires the submission of a petition and ITPC approval.
  • ­ The petition process factors academic rationale and an individual safety proposal into consideration. Petitions should be submitted at least 60-days in advance of travel and prior to utilization of university funding.


The ITPC individual student travel assessment form only needs to be submitted to the Committee if your travel is within the following two risk ratings:

You are traveling to a country with an overall risk rating of 3.5 or greater.  The current list for this rating can be accessed at this link. 

Or you are traveling to a U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 3 or greater. To find the list for this level, follow this link. 

For further information on the ITPC risk designated policy or the petition process, and to submit any required materials for travel approval, please contact international risk management at


Travel Registration and Insurance Enrollment

Ohio State students using university scholarship or grant funding for individual travel to international locations are required to register their travel. Travel Registration includes completion of emergency response information, access to pre-departure health and safety modules and enrollment in the supplemental international insurance. The insurance includes specific coverage for medical care, medical evacuation, repatriation, and political security and natural disaster evacuation. There is a modest daily rate for the insurance enrollment that students should calculate into budget proposals for funding. Students participating in education abroad programming coordinated through OIA are already registered in the system and automatically enrolled in the supplemental international insurance. 

For additional information, please visit the Office of International Affair's Education Abroad - Health and Safety webpage.