Now Hiring: Indigenous Studies Positions at Ohio State

The Ohio State University is hiring a number of positions in Indigenous Studies. Please find the list below and contact Human Resources with any questions.
Department of English: Provost's Tenure-Track Fellow to Faculty, Native American Literature and Culture
Seeking a scholar whose research agenda focuses on Native American literature and culture. The following areas are particularly desirable complements to the larger university research initiatives in this field: settler colonialism, decolonization, genocide, Indigenous epistemologies, sovereignty, social movements and activism, ecocriticism and environmentalism, gender and sexuality, and community engaged research. The Provost’s Tenure-Track Fellow to Faculty Program is a two-year program that assists early career scholars as they transition to the tenure track. Provost Fellows will focus time on research for up to two years allowing for an in-depth start on scholarship, with limited teaching requirements.
Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Assistant Professor, Indigenous Feminisms
Seeking candidates whose research interrogates gendered and sexualized disparities alongside the dispossessions of settler colonialism, the imaginary and creative dimensions of indigenous justice movements, and the potentials of women- and two-spirit or queer-led innovations in preserving embattled minority and colonized food/health/body/eco cultures.
Department of Comparative Studies: Assistant Professor, Indigenous Knowledges
Seeking candidates whose research addresses the intersections between race, Indigeneity, and education with a focus on Indigenous knowledges and interdisciplinary learning.
Department of Linguistics: Assistant Professor of Fieldwork and Indigenous Languages
Seeking candidates specializing in linguistic fieldwork and researching an indigenous language, with a commitment to engagement with that language’s community of speakers.
School of Environment and Natural Resources: Assistant Professor of Indigenous Environmental Studies
Seeking an individual who can build creative partnerships in teaching, outreach, and research that respect the debt the Land Grant University system owes to Indigenous communities and inspire new approaches and philosophies that will contribute towards repaying that debt. This Assistant Professor position is available with the option to be hired into the Provost’s Tenure-Track Fellow to Faculty Program with an appointment to a mentored position as an instructor in the tenure track for up to two-years before transitioning to the Assistant Professor position.
Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures: Assistant Professor of Indigenous Siberian Studies
Seeking an innovative scholar and excellent teacher whose research program centers on Indigenous Siberian Studies. We invite scholars whose research interests explore questions about indigenous people’s knowledges and cultural practices as they intersect with one or more of the following: race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, im/mobility, health, food, and environment, in imperial/post-imperial, communist/post-communist, or comparative contexts. While we will give preference to candidates with a research profile in Indigenous Siberian Studies, we will also consider applicants whose work examines this set of questions around the experiences of non-Slavic communities in other parts of the Russian Federation or who look at indigenous communities in a comparative perspective, as well as scholars who investigate “Siberia” as a constructed and contested colonial location.