Workshop: Human Trafficking and Race in Ohio

Center for Ethnic Studies Workshop: Human Trafficking and Race in Ohio
October 19, 2023
12:45PM - 2:00PM
Barnett Center Collaboratory (the ground floor of Sullivant Hall)

Date Range
2023-10-19 12:45:00 2023-10-19 14:00:00 Workshop: Human Trafficking and Race in Ohio  Advocating Opportunity’s Senior Attorney Emily Dunlap and Senior Advocate Grace Tellez will discuss the basics of labor trafficking, the role coercion plays and the systemic factors that increase vulnerability to labor trafficking. They will walk though several case studies, applying the concepts learned to examples of labor trafficking.While labor trafficking can happen in many circumstances, traffickers often take advantage of those who our systems make vulnerable. This includes individuals who are under-resourced, have low English proficiency, lack immigration status, are racialized minorities or who come from marginalized communities. This workshop will focus on the connection between industries that have been excluded from worker protections (domestic servitude, agriculture, hospitality) and the reasons we see high representation of minoritized groups within those settings. The guest speakers will also discuss the 'perfect victim' concept (usually young, white, female-identified victims of sex trafficking), which we as an organization seek to address through focusing our efforts on under-identified survivors of trafficking, specifically male- identified victims of labor trafficking, of whom the vast majority are Black and Brown men.This in-person event is free and open to the public.   Advocating Opportunity provides legal services and whole person advocacy for trafficked and exploited persons. The Columbus office of Advocating Opportunity specializes in serving survivors of labor trafficking, with an emphasis on male presenting survivors who are often overlooked by traditional anti-trafficking programming. You can find the speakers' bios here: Humanities Institute and its related centers host a wide range of events, from intense discussions of works in progress to cutting-edge presentations from world-known scholars, artists, activists and everything in between.We value in-person engagement at our events as we strive to amplify the energy in the room. But we also recognize the fact that not all our guests will be able to visit our space. Zoom access will be available to this event upon request. If you wish to have such access, or you would like to request other accommodations for this event, please send your request to Connor Behm: Barnett Center Collaboratory (the ground floor of Sullivant Hall) America/New_York public

 Advocating Opportunity’s Senior Attorney Emily Dunlap and Senior Advocate Grace Tellez will discuss the basics of labor trafficking, the role coercion plays and the systemic factors that increase vulnerability to labor trafficking. They will walk though several case studies, applying the concepts learned to examples of labor trafficking.

While labor trafficking can happen in many circumstances, traffickers often take advantage of those who our systems make vulnerable. This includes individuals who are under-resourced, have low English proficiency, lack immigration status, are racialized minorities or who come from marginalized communities. 

This workshop will focus on the connection between industries that have been excluded from worker protections (domestic servitude, agriculture, hospitality) and the reasons we see high representation of minoritized groups within those settings. The guest speakers will also discuss the 'perfect victim' concept (usually young, white, female-identified victims of sex trafficking), which we as an organization seek to address through focusing our efforts on under-identified survivors of trafficking, specifically male- identified victims of labor trafficking, of whom the vast majority are Black and Brown men.

This in-person event is free and open to the public. 


Logo with a c and a intertwined, says Advocating Opportunity

Advocating Opportunity provides legal services and whole person advocacy for trafficked and exploited persons. The Columbus office of Advocating Opportunity specializes in serving survivors of labor trafficking, with an emphasis on male presenting survivors who are often overlooked by traditional anti-trafficking programming. You can find the speakers' bios here:

The Humanities Institute and its related centers host a wide range of events, from intense discussions of works in progress to cutting-edge presentations from world-known scholars, artists, activists and everything in between.

We value in-person engagement at our events as we strive to amplify the energy in the room. But we also recognize the fact that not all our guests will be able to visit our space. Zoom access will be available to this event upon request. If you wish to have such access, or you would like to request other accommodations for this event, please send your request to Connor Behm: